Monday, July 21, 2008

Palmyra Trip

So this year we decided to drive up and see the Palmyra pageant! We were CHEAP and did it in one day, but it was so amazing! We decided to leave at like 5am and when we finally got up at 9am we decided to leave at 10am! It took about 4 hours to get there and for anyone who knows me, knows I am not a good car rider, but I did pretty good!

The first place we went was to the JS Farm and toured the houses and the Sacred Grove. It was so exciting to be in a place where so much of the restoration of the church occurred. It was amazing. My favorite place was the Sacred Grove. It is beautiful...absolutely beautiful. It looks and feels like stepping into a beautiful picture! When we were just about to exit the Sacred Grove, it started POURING rain! We were soaked and since I was in white shorts...I got pretty dirty very quickly!

After the JS Farm, we headed for the Palmyra Temple. This temple is just absolutely beautiful!!! I would love to go in someday. It is such a small but yet big temple.

After the temple we headed to the Hill of Cumorah, and walked up the Hill to see the monument, and then back down (I thought going down the hill was scarier than up), and then we went over to the visitors center. The kids were tired and cranky so we just decided to park for the pageant and then wait 2 hours for the play to begin. We sat on the grass at the back, but honestly, I don't think there is a bad seat for the play. The pageant was AWESOME and what made it even better was knowing that it is put together in a week and then they start performing for 2 weeks. Only a WEEK to put together that amazing play...well I mean with the actors I am sure there is much preparation before that week, but getting 750+ people ready in a week is no small feat!

The trip home was harder...Brad even let me drive home the last 2 hours because he was so tired. We made it home and zonked out! The trip was fast but oh so worth it!
The kids and I leave for Texas this week and Brad is going to be in another rodeo this coming weekend, so I will have to share pictures from that when I get them!


Angela said...

Katie, were you there on Friday or Saturday night? We went up Saturday afternoon & saw the pageant on Sat night- that would be crazy if we were there at the same time and didn't see each other- although with that many people it's easy to see why. Glad you had a fun trip!

Lynnette said...

I'm glad you guys got to go - although I think you are amazing to do it in one day - or crazy!

Teri said...

It's good to be back! I've enjoyed catching up with your blog. I'm jealous you were able to go to the pageant. That is one thing we never made it to. I love the new look of your blog...I'm glad you could make it work.

I'll give you a call in the next day or so and see how things are going. I just have to remember the 3 hour if you get a call really late, sorry!

Cannon Fam said...

Wow, you've had a busy summer! I've been reading all your latest posts. I can't believe how much your kids have grown! That's great you're still in PA to enjoy everything there one more year. Hope you guys are enjoying Allentown. You look great btw...wish I could lose my baby weight faster!!

Kari said...

Isn't Palmyra wonderful! I love how you described the Sacred Grove. I'm so happy that you & your family got to have that experience. I am also very glad that you made it home safely. :)

Brian & Sarah said...

Wow! What a fun adventure. We sure miss you guys!

Sharisse said...

What a blast! I was in the pageant 7 years ago and the actors don't practice ahead of time. Just goes to show what a miracle it all really is. They say it's never rained during any of the performances, just before and after. Wish we could have gone. Your so lucky!

Holly Sanders said...

ok, you're totally nuts! I'm glad you made it though. Have fun in TexAS!