Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our 3 Kiddos

We had pictures of the kids taken when Sam was two weeks old. He looks like little Brad with blonde hair although I do see my dad in him as well!

The kids did so good for the pictures it was almost dreamlike...I was worried no one would cooperate, but all was well! I think the pictures were super cute and wanted to share.

We are doing good adjusting to life with 3 kids. I think we mainly just move alot slower and are a little more tired, but he is a good baby and it is fun to have a baby again. It is funny to me how different it feels this time. It's like the crying, diaper changes, and sleepless nights are not as big of a deal. I guess because you have done it before. The biggest challenge for me has been figuring out how to be a mom to a newborn and still keep the other two entertained. The kids are doing great with Sam so that helps.
Brad has said several times that he is so happy that Sam is here and not in my belly anymore! He also says, "Mom when you eat alot and get big again with a baby, can we name him Brad because we need another Brad!" I have no idea why he thinks you have a baby when you eat alot because he has never asked how we got Sam in my belly...he just came up with this on his own and I am fine with his logic as long as he is!
Gabi loves to kiss him...constantly! She wants to hold him or kiss him! She tells us, "Sam is cute or Sam is crying, or mom Sam wants you to give him milk!" A little mommy already!


Holly Sanders said...

oh, my gosh! are you just loving that little guy? That pic of him in his little man outfit is too cute! They all turned out so cute! I would love to catch up with you sometime. Tried to call you the other night, and i always have a hard time getting you to answer the phone--maybe you're avoiding me. Ha! I'll try againg sometime--would love to hear the latest.

Debbie said...

Darling pictures! I'm so glad he is a good baby for you. I'm really excited for you guys to move closer. How is the packing coming along with a newborn? Once again, congrats.

Cannon Fam said...

These are adorable pictures! I'm impressed your kids cooperated so well! When I had 3 these ages they never sat like this for me!! Your kids are all darling & that little Sam...didn't expect to see blond hair! So cute!

Sarah said...

They are all so cute! I can't believe how big they are getting. So when are you coming to TX? We need to have a reunion!

Rob said...

Great looking family, you guys! We sure miss seeing you, although I can't believe it's going on 3 years since we were in Philly last. Weird.

Alyssa said...

Ok...so I don't have alot of time to surf blogs lately...so I'm posting this WAY late...but CONGRATS! Your family is adorable and Sam is SO cute! My baby is two, and I still haven't adjusted to having three...but you just roll with it! So where are you guys headed next?