Too much time as passed since my last post, so I will keep my update to the fairly recent events in our family. Brad is now 6 years old!!! Crazy!!! Big Brad is 33 today!!! He still looks pretty good, even if he is getting a little long in the tooth if you ask me! :-) Gabi is 3 3/4 and she is so our tiny dancer! Sam is 14 months which is also insane to think and is a wild man! I turned 30 this year and feel as though my life is as good as over (just kidding, but I wanted to add a dramatic flair to this long overdue post)! :-)
I will start with me since I am the narrator here and work my way down. I am still teaching part-time. I love the break it gives me from the kids 1 night a week this summer and I love all the exciting things happening in accounting right now! International convergence and changes to the CPA exam keep my mind in motion. I have fallen in love with reading, reading my scriptures (currently studying the old testament), reading great books like "Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables series, Twilight, and even Dr. Seuss books like Oh the places you'll go and Hooray for Diffendoofer day" and reading the conference talks from this last conference. The talks were amazing and I read each one and more and more thankful for the gospel and for the Savior! I am SOOOOOOOOO excited my kids are out of school. I was wondering what in the heck I was going to do with them all day, figuring I would bore them at home, but I love waking up and having absolutely nowhere to go. Each day just an adventure. We can stay home, play games, do a craft, go to the park, go to the library, ride bikes...we can pretty much do whatever we want and I am stinking loving it!!! Now with that said, lets see if I hold these same sentiments at the end of the summer! :-)
Big Brad is working working working! He is always at work, going to work or on his way home from work. He stays busy with 5 days at his residency, Wednesday nights and Saturdays moonlighting at the Bresslers office and on Tuesday nights he has the kids when I leave to go and teach! He is very deserving of a nice and much needed break, but I am not sure when this will change. In the Fall he will cut back because I will work more, but I do feel bad he has to work so hard for us! We are blessed to have him and know he loves us so much and works so hard to provide for us! He took Brad to play 18 holes of golf for his birthday and Brad II was over the moon! He brings up the fact he played golf and had so much fun with dad on a regular basis during the day and Gabi can't wait for her birthday because she wants a full day with daddy too! Sam totally loves his daddy and is constantly laying his head on him and running to him and laughing. In fact, when he walks in the door, we all scream because we can't wait to tell him what happened...he just wants to have a moment of silence but we are too excited!!! Poor Brad!
Little Brad is 6 like I said and is getting big too fast. On his birthday I read him from his journal the day he was born and I cried like a baby. I remember the day he was born and holding him and it is amazing to me how fast they grow and learn. Brad is a sweet kid and is full of energy. Sometimes he gets off track with his behavior when he gets excited, but he has such a great heart. Lately, I have been misplacing things (losing them really). We have been saying a prayer with the kids each time this happens and asking for Heavenly Fathers help in finding the mis-placed item. We had talked about this one night when the kids after reading with them that they could pray to Heavenly Father about anything and he would listen to them and help them. Brad and Gabi both starting asking us objects Jesus might be able to help them out with like if they wanted a puppy, or lost something. To date, I can say Jesus has helped our family find a glove, a frog, a cell phone, a wallet, and a DSi case just today! The last two things have been particularly funny because the wallet I was really upset about and Big Brad had us say a family prayer, he included my wallet in our night time prayer and then Little Brad wanted to include it in his prayer with me that night (I normally don't pray with them individually at night, but Brad wanted me to this night). In the morning, I told them dad had found my wallet and little Brad said, "I knew Jesus would pull through!" He was so excited and full of was an awesome moment. Then today, his DSi case was missing so we said a prayer, and when we went downstairs and started looking Little Brad wasn't helping and his dad told him he better start helping to which he replys, "mom already asked Jesus and you know he will do it!" So we told Brad, we have to do our part in looking that we can't ask Jesus to do it all!
Gabi is about the cutest little girl and is about the size of a peanut. She answers to lots of nicknames such as "Lu, Lulu, or peanut" somestimes I even call her Louise and I don't have a clue why! She is very stubborn and when I say she says the funniest things I am not lying to you. In fact, at the end of the day, Big Brad and I laugh more about what has come out of her mouth during the day than anything else. She is a perfect angel in public and is very shy and doesn't say much but at our house, she lays down the law! In fact, on the way home from church today I had gotten sick so we left early and Big Brad was trying to talk to her and she screamed, "I'm not talking to you right now, I want mom!" She has been doing dance at a place in Wayne, PA called Contempra Dance. She is so cute in her tutu and just recently had her first recital. if I can get the video on here, then I will because if you watch it I am sure you will witness first hand her raw talent for dance! I think it comes from the Dawson side, specifically my dad but I don't want to take all the credit for those moves so I am sure the Harris side has a little to do with it as well! I love that I have a daughter, I love how sweet my little girl is and I also love her spunk and flavor (that's a nice way to say it)! I also love that one day she will hopefully be a wife and mother and we can each have a better understanding of what the other feels.
Sam is yummy. He is such a great baby. He is all smiles and full of life. He makes me remember each day how fast this phase goes because he will do something and I think, oh I remember when Brad did that or when Gabi first did that. He is like Brad 100%! He will climb on anything, jump off anything and wants what he wants. He is spoiled by everyone and all he has to do is smile and we instantly are over whatever it was he long and short of this story is Sam is going to be one spoiled rotten toddler and we are in for it, but with that yummy smile and sweet disposition I welcome the memories he will make for me to journal about.
So that is our update! It is long overdue! We miss all our old Philly friends and think about you alot! We are still stuck in school mode and you all have moved on to new adventures in your life, but we just miss you and wish we could see you more!
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot my super creative, awesome, talented friend Betsy helped me with this craft the other day and it turned out so cute! She is the best and I will miss her so much when we finish school!