Friday, October 31, 2008


I am just over 18 weeks!


Teri said...

Cute Katie! I love this way of telling everyone. Very creative. CONGRATS! We are so excited! Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Hooooray!! We are so excited for you both. Can't wait to find out if Gabi's going to get a sister or a Brad Jr. Jr. Congrats again! -Jeremy
P.S. Go Phillies

Debbie said...

WOW! Congrats! Already 18 weeks! soon you will get to post the gender. Can't wait.

Kari said...

CONGRATS!!! I hope that you are feeling GREAT! I love your anouncement! Can't wait for further posts on baby #3!
We miss you guys!

Holly Sanders said...

we are thrilled for you! Cute post by the way!

Eric and Caralee said...

Congrats!! I'm so excited :)

Lynnette said...

You made the big announcement! Very creative! I'm am so excited for you guys. I just wish we lived closer so we could meet the little one when he/she arrives. Someday though!

Sarah said...

Congratulaions! We're so excited for you.

Cox Family said...

How exciting!!! Miss you guys

Ben and Melissa said...

Apparently I need to check your blog more often. CONGRATS!!