Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night

Well last night was an emotional rollercoaster for me and many others I assume as well. For the first time in my life, I really researched these two candidates and felt strongly that John McCain was the best option. There are many reasons I came to this conclusion and NONE of them involved the color of skin of Obama.

As silly at it sounds, I actually cried when McCain made his concession speech! I know I am pregnant but come on...why I am I's just an election right. But with a family and kids and a world that seems to contradict my personal values at time, it strikes fear in me as to what my kids will be faced with as they grow up.

I have faith in the Lord and know He has a plan and we just have to be diligent and endure. I am excited to see the first african american president elected and to see how happy others are at this accomplishment and do not want to take away from his supporters or this historical moment.

I felt less silly for these emotions when I took Brad to pre-school today and 2 women began crying when talking about Obama being elected and their concerns were mine as well. Not the color of this man, not his ability to deliver a powerful and moving speech, but the direction in which this country will be headed under his lead.

I will pray for him and for this country. There are so many things wrong with the world and the US and now more than ever, those of us who believe need to pray for strength to remember who we are and stand up for those beliefs.


Angela said...

Hey Katie! I didn't know you were expecting! Congratulations. I know what you mean about the election. It was a disappointing night, and I wonder what is in store for our country. The one saving grace for the election was that Proposition 8 passed in California, thank goodness! Congrats again, hope you're doing great! P.S. We're in Wilkes-Barre now, not too far from you guys. Maybe we'll have to get together sometime!

Holly Sanders said...

amen sista! the best thing that come out of last night was yes to prop 8!

Justin and Sarah said...

I agree with you completely, Katie! And don't forget about the similar marriage propositions that were passed in AZ and FL. What a victory!

Justin and Sarah said...

Oh, by the way, congrats on baby #3. You sneaky girl! I am so excited for you guys!

Debbie said...

I too was very sad on election night and I don't have an excuse like pregnancy to attribute it to. I felt really down. The nice thing was that I received the conference Ensign the next day and a lot that was said in conference that I remember was to be positive and help each other. Receiving the Ensign really helped me get out of the dumps. Now I get to read it :)

Unknown said...

Don't worry. I cried too. I really honestly did (and I'm not pregnant). It was most definitely a let down for most of America. We just have to hope and pray for the best!

Eric and Caralee said...

That is exactly how I feel, don't worry I'm not pregnant and I cried too. This is the first election I have actually followed from day 1 and researched every candidate.It almost felt like a personal loss. But I am so glad that Prop. 8 passed.