Monday, March 16, 2009

Making me Laugh

Brad has to give a talk in primary on Sunday and he is NOT excited about. We started working on it today and he just kept shaking his head, no, no, no...I am not going to do it. We asked him why and he looked at me and said, "Because everyone will be staring at me and I don't like it!" I laughed so hard, and he followed up with, "Mom this is not funny, I don't like it!"

I felt bad for laughing but he was so serious when he said it, I could see the stress and tension in his little face! So who knows what will happen on Sunday. We made a cute little poster type thing with pictures of things he can do as part of a family, but he still isn't intereted in telling the kids in primary about it.

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

Your poster idea sounds so cute! I'm sure he'll do great, even if he won't talk at least they'll have the visual. Getting up there is scary!