Sunday, March 22, 2009


This week on Thursday I went out with Betsy to see the movie Bride Wars. It was showing at the Emmaus Theatre, which is the really cool old timey theatre that shows movies for $3 and only one at a time. I love it....anyway I digress. So Betsy gave me some gifts for Sam all of which were wonderful, but one in particular was so cute I still can't believe she made it. She knitted some cowboy boots for Sam and they even have his initials on them. They have an S on the side and an H on the top. So cute!!! Thank you Betsy!!!

Then on Saturday we took the kids bowling for some family of 4 fun before Sam gets here. No telling when Brad and I will be able to get out with 3 kids. We are pretty slow on the parenting thing so we figured some fun was in order before we lose the ability to function. Little Brad was actually a very good bowler and Gabi used the ramp and lost interest very quickly. She was more interested in playing in what little make-up I had in my purse. She was all about the powder and lip gloss. She does not get this from me...anyone who knows me knows I am nothing like a girly girl. I find it very cute that she is into it though and it makes me wonder where she got it. Somethings in that child are me all over, but this...I don't know.

Here are a couple pictures/video of our fun at the bowling alley. I don't know why we don't bowl more, it is really cheap and the kids have lots of fun

And also this week we got some baby gifts for Sam from Mamaw Harris. She made his some blankets and I can't put pictures of all of them on here, but here are a couple of our favorites, which I know Sam will love as well. thanks Mamaw.

Also, just a follow up to my last post, Brad did great for his talk on Sunday. His daddy read the talk, and he held up the poster and Brad said he was totally happy to hold his sign. I printed off coloring book pages with all the actions we were talking about and he colored them and glued them to the poster board (it was a small poster board). He was even excited last night and we kept praying with him that he would be okay. So he did GREAT! Our first talk in primary was a success.

My mom is flying up this week on Wednesday and should get here around midnight or 1am. She is staying 2 1/2 weeks and considering she only gets 3 weeks of vacation at work, this is no small gesture on her part. She has been working late every night and all day on Saturdays to make sure she gets her work done and doesn't leave anyone in a bad spot in her absense while she is here. Thank you mom for always being willing to help. The kids are super excited to have you come up and be here with them and it will be EXTREMELY helpful for me to have you here and to have an adult to talk too for a change.

So lately we have been doing lots to get ready for Sam. As ready as you can ever be for a baby. All the clothes are washed, the bed is ready, there are diapers and wipes, swings, and carriers, bottles and pacifiers waiting for him and 4 people who can't wait to love him are eagerly anticipating his arrival.

1 comment:

Holly Sanders said...

I'm so excited for you guys! can't wait to hear of the big news! I love that little theatre in Emmaus--remember when we saw Made of Honor with Krystin on that big stormy night. Man, that seems like it was just yesterday, and it was almost a year ago. time really does go by sooooo fast!